The French Documents

These are copies of the Qubrosi French documents. The first two documents regarding Micha'eel Koubroussy and his son Hanna Koubrouski were obtained by Hani Akram Kobrossi in the course of his research, about the family's French connection, at the French government archives. The third and fourth documents regarding Yousef Kobroussy, I obtained from Muneer Emile Koborsi.


First Document:
Decision Minutes dated July 1st, 1803 and recorded and signed by Napoleon Bonaparte personally. It is a Dispatch to the French departments of war and treasury specifying military pay, and ordering that captain Micha'eel and two other officers be paid the sums specified.

Napoleon's ordrer to pay Micha'eel


Second Document:
Decision Minutes ordered on April 14th, 1807 by Napoleon Emperor of France and King of Italy. Based on the recommendation of the Ministry of War, it is decreed that the following names be admitted to be members of the Lesions of Honor. (Quartermaster Hanna Koubrouski is listed at the bottom part of the second page of this document.)

Napoleon's order to award Hanna the Lesions of Honor, page1
Napoleon's order to award Hanna the Lesions of Honor, page2

  Will Add the other two documents later.

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